ISKON PTY LTD Featured Popular
Provider of gourmet edible salt, Low sodium salt and salt flakes.
At White Sunshine Salt we have done more than refine an old tradition. We've started a new one. Guided by an international palate and scientists, we fuse unique harvesting and refining techniques to create ultra-pure, lite sodium and luxury edible salt in interesting flavors and textures. It all began with a vessel and a vision to infuse the savory with the natural, to create the great tasting, wholesome products everyone would fall in love with. And a beat-up vessel that became the very first White Sunshine Salt delivery truck.
At White Sunshine Salt we have done more than refine an old tradition. We've started a new one. Guided by an international palate and scientists, we fuse unique harvesting and refining techniques to create ultra-pure, lite sodium and luxury edible salt in interesting flavors and textures. It all began with a vessel and a vision to infuse the savory with the natural, to create the great tasting, wholesome products everyone would fall in love with. And a beat-up vessel that became the very first White Sunshine Salt delivery truck.
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