Dodos Rustenburg Taxi
Dodos Exclusive Shoes sells a combination of widely recognized shoe brands as well as our own Dodos brand. We closely follow international fashion trends as well as our customers purchasing pattern. Moreover we tailor our merchandise to meet the needs of our current and prospective customers. We utilize a value-based pricing structure that measures the value of our products to our customers such as easy access, quality, customer service and fashionable shoe styles to attract inspirational customers.One of Rampars key features that has separated Dodos Exclusive Shoes from other independent footwear retailers is our continuous market research into trends and competitive analysis in the market in which we operate. We believe it is essential to have senior management in the field on a regular basis ensuring that our positioning is correct and that we are competitive in our products and strategies. Our primary concern is to ensure that our customers are happy with the fit and style of their purchase. Our qualified management team will ensure our customers walk away with the perfect fit. Our Store in Store concept walls give us the opportunity to showcase top brands on offer in the country and offer our suppliers a window into our stores.We focus our styles, colours and fit to flatter the female, male, youth, girls, boys and infant markets. Meeting their needs is our specialty. Rampar Trading recognizes the importance of marketing and to that end we plan to promote our shoe retail business with ambitious marketing campaigns and initiatives which will include grand opening events and local media opportunities in each country in which we operate. Our goal is to partner with key local and international partners as often as possible.About us History Ralph Dodo, Managing Director of Rampar Trading (Pty) LTD has been in the footwear industry for almost 42 years. In 1988 he left Edworks 1936 LTD, a business, which was owned by his family and which was grown by Barney Dodo, Ralphs father into an enormous group consisting of 280 retail stores, factories manufacturing 200 000 pairs of shoes a week and a tannery business which was responsible for tanning over half the hides in South Africa. On July, 4th 1989 Rampar Trading opened its first store, Streetbeat Shoes in Buthe Butha, Lesotho. There are over 100 stores trading in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland. Dodos stores are located in shopping centres, strip malls in rural, urban and metropolitan areas.
Listing Details
014 592 5876