Banji Wear
Banji Wear-Eight Limbz, Sprawl and Jaco Clothing.Banji Wear can supply you with quality martial arts fighting and training clothes from Eight Limbz, Sprawl and Jaco that allows you to give your top fighting performance.JACO Hybrid Training Apparel is the most durable, light and most thought through garments in Crossfit, Mixed Martial Arts, Yoga and general Sportswear available. Original not only for men in protective and training gear,but also for the Ladies in Yoga. Comfortability and Quality guaranteed.Sweet Sweat is a safe formulation that creates a thermogenic effect on the applied areas. It increases the circulation to exercising muscles, allowing you to experience a more effective workout. It also accelerates warm up and recovery time, making exercise easier while reducing the risk of aches, cramps, and muscle pulls.Thermogenic action is the process of generating energy in the body. Through physical activities, your body releases heat by utilizing stored calories. For optimum calorie burn in a workout, thermogenic action must be sustained without overheating the exercising muscles.
Listing Details
Shop 31 Silver Oaks Crossing Shopping Centre, Cnr Von Backstrom Blvd en Hans Strijdom Drive, Gauteng, South Africa
083 875 2988
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