Absolute Kid
Welcome to Absolute Kid!Unique range of childrens clothing, shoes and accessories.We sell designer brands from suppliers that are mostly local, offering you the highest quality at affordable prices.A continuous search throughout all local brands and designer labels is our mission to source the kids clothes that we believe will fulfill the need that any parent or child would have. We are committed not only to style but quality as well. ABSOLUTE KID strives to permit any child to believe that they are an individual and can express this through the clothes they wear.The brands that we have in the store range from those that are renowned for being classic and conservative to those that have gained recognition for being funky and over the top. It is all in that specific garment that will allow a person to know, at a glance, that it would be perfect for a particular child. We would love to be known as the store that enhances all children?
Listing Details
Shop 137The Mall Of RosebankBath AvenueRosebankGauteng2196South Africa , Gauteng, South Africa
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