Computer Mania Somerset Mall
Computer Mania is the leading independent computer retailer in the Western cape, consisting of 13 stores in all the major shopping centres. It is a specialised owner-driven chain, staffed with knowledgeable people, who have a passion for technology. They are focussed on customer needs, whether to customise systems or support their products. They pride themselves in always stocking the latest technology, at competitive prices, in all branded products.Computer Mania offers free delivery for any purchase above R3000 in a 50km radius from Montague Gardens. Simply phone us, make your selection from our wide range of offerings, place your order and we will deliver.Because of the diverse range of products Computer Mania has to support, it has become difficult to provide full support at branch level. We therefore opened our Technical Centre in Montague Gardens to provide the required levels of support to all Computer Mania branches. Our Technical Centre is also available to any of our clients directly.Repairs can still be handed in at branch level, where they will be collected on a daily basis and also be returned to the branch, once repaired by the technical centre. Our clients are also welcome to bring their repair directly to our technical centre for a quicker turnaround time.Computer Manias technical centre does on site support, any repairs, networking, quick upgrades and software installations. For an appointment contact them on 021-5553024. In the event of any other services being required such as data transfer from an old computer to a new computer, or adding your new computer to the network etc., a call out needs to be logged at the technical centre. A technician, who will have the ability to perform the task, will then be sent to do your delivery at an additional cost of R350 per hour.In the event of other services being required such as data transfer from an old computer to a new computer, or adding your new computer to the network etc., a call out needs to be logged at the technical centre. A technician, ill then be sent to do your delivery at an additional cost of R285 per hour.
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