Jeane Jewellers
Jeane Jewellers was established in 2001 as a offspring from Jeanine Jewellers and is also in partnership with Taurus Jewellers in Hermanus. Our mission in business is client satisfaction and swift service.All 3 companies above mentioned does manufacturing on site as they have their own personal Goldsmiths in house.We design and manufacture all types of jewelery.We design your juwellery!!Bring me a picture and I could make that exact ring in your size.We dont send is away, you dont have to wait 3 weeks ,we can make it for you in less than seven days.... NOW HOW GREAT IS THAT??Jeane Jewellers brings you the BEST!!Only ONE day on repairs of juwellery!!! ( Thats a bargain!! )We replace whatch batteries an also do repairs on them.We want to give you the best of the best, by giving you a friendly service and helping you as fast as possible!!!We love our customers and we will do our best to keep you happy!We are at Lifestyle centre Centurion c/o Old Johannesbug & Lenchen.- Design and Manufacturing of Jewelery- Restringing of Pearls- 1 Day Service on Repairs- Repairs on Jewelery and Watches- Diamonds and Precious Stones- Valuations.Goldsmiths on Premises
Listing Details
Shop 26 Lifestyle CenterCenturion PretoriaSouth Africa, Gauteng, South Africa
082 781 2381
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