Duesouth Walmer Park
Duesouth is the direction of adventure. It calls you to find yourself outdoors, unencumbered by the baggage of everyday life. Remember who you really are. You were not born to spend your life surrounded by walls. Or chained to a desk. Break away. Do something wild. Go somewhere you can breathe clean air. Rediscover you are truly alive. Be an outsider.We travel the world to explore outdoor brands in every category and then make the best of them available in our stores. The pick of International brands include The North Face, Columbia Sportswear, Merrell and Salomon as well as our very own brand Duesouth. Between them we have all you need to make whatever adventure you choose for yourself complete.The view from the top of the mountain is always better than the view from the valley. This is why we choose to set the pace in the outdoor category and go all out to remain the best when it comes to delivering well designed gear that our customers can depend on to work beautifully and look great, season after season.There was a time, not so long ago, when outdoor gear made you look like anything from the abominable snowman to a comic in khaki, with numerous over-dyed, under-styled or badly cut options in-between. Wouldnt it be great if there were an outdoor store that combined serious function with inspired style? we asked ourselves. That was back in 2002 and two years later we opened our first Duesouth store, equipped with some of the finest, functionally and aesthetically styled adventure gear the world has to offer. Our customers rapidly embraced the idea that theres no need to be a blot on the landscape while enjoying the action and excitement of the outdoors, and some were so taken with our kit that they even started wearing it around town. This goes some way to explain why we now have 31 store locations around the country with more coming soon. But theres more to our story?ǪOur primary aim is to share our enthusiasm for the freedom and energetic self-expression of adventure. We do this by equipping others with well-designed, high quality gear - because it is our firm belief that the only difference between the great outdoors and the not-so-great outdoors is having the right kit.
Listing Details
(043) 709 9540