Mazda Otjiwarongo
90 years ago a spirit was born, the passionate spirit of a company that always challenges the status quo, and unorthodox spirit driven by a desire to do things differently. Its the spirit of the unconventional. A spirit that runs deep through Mazdas inspirational history and burns brightly within all the extraordinary Mazda people, who dared to be innovators, who were uncompromising in their approach to revolutionary design and engineering. At Mazda, driving is an expression of exhilaration. Its a feeling of liberation that comes from experiencing the sheer joy of motion. Mazda builds cars that capture that feeling, imaginative cars, insightful cars, cars that get noticed. We believe that these are the only cars worth building and the only cars worth driving. If you feel this way too, your journey with Mazda has just begun.All children instinctively know it and a few adults remember it. One unique car company refuses to outgrow it. In a grown-up language, it means the exhilaration and liberation that comes from experiencing sheer motion. But as usual, children put it much better, and simply call it Zoom-Zoom. We practice it every day, its why we build the kind of cars we do.