Kit Kat Cash Carry Kliptown
Welcome to Kit Kat Cash and Carry.Round Up Foundation started collecting funds in June 2005 with the launch of the pilot program in the Kit Kat Cash and Carry Store in Pretoria. The objectives of this proof-of-concept site were to demonstrate customers’ willingness to donate a few cents at till-point and to test their confidence in the electronic round-up method of small change collection. Kit Kat Store is located in a low-income area of Tshwane. With permission from the store’s customers, transaction totals are rounded to the nearest 5-cents and the difference is donated to pre-selected non-profit organisations within their community. During the first 21 months, Kit Kat’s tills collected over R100 000.00 in ‘small change.’ (i.e. 2 million customers agreed to Round-up) Customer contributions are matched by Kit Kat to double their contribution to community organisations. Using in-store pictograms and notice boards, information on the mechanism of this electronic small change collection concept was conveyed to staff and customers. Diagrams also illustrated how donations are received and distributed to their beneficiaries . Round Up Foundation’s Kit Kat pilot project has been successful and sustained. On average, each customer who said “Yes” to having their bill rounded-up to the nearest 5-cents contributed only 2-cents per transaction: this truly is small change collection.Business Involves: -Baby food -Cereal (Breakfast) -Cheese -Coffee -Cosmetic Products -Cosmetics, Cleansers -Desserts -Detergents -Disinfectants -Eggs/Egg Products (for Consumption) -Food Distributors/Agents/Packers -Food Ingredients, Peanuts -Food, (Canned) Fruit/Vegetables) -Maize - Milk (condensed) - Pasta - Tea Towels.
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