Legit Westville
LEGiT is a fashion forward retailer for independent South African sistas who proudly declare: DONT TELL ME WHAT TO WEAR.At Legit we are a fashion-forward, style-savvy brand for young female fashionistas who know where they’re going and want to stand out along the way. We know that all LEGiT girls want to choose for themselves, so we proudly declare: DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO WEAR. But we’re so much more than just a store. Think of us as your most fashionable friend, your stylist and your local gossip mag, all rolled into one. Ask us for style advice on Facebook – you’ll find our latest competitions, hot new items and style updates. Chat to us on Twitter – find out what we’re up to, keep up with our events and talk to us about what’s on your mind – why not send us a photo of what you’re wearing today? Read all our style updates on our blog, join in the chat on each post and share it with your friends! Flip through our fashion file on our website for all the latest items in store now! Find out what inspires us on Pinterest, and repin your favourites onto your own board! Get all the latest updates wherever you are with our mobi site, PLUS add us as a contact on MXit so you can find us at your fingertips. Have something super serious to ask us? Send us an e-mail anytime to [email protected] to ask us about items in store or anything else.Our Products Include:Tops, Jackets, Pants, Dresses , Skirts, Handbags, Cosmetics, Footwear, Accessories. Keep in touch, style sistas – we’re here to keep you looking LEGiT!
Listing Details
Shop 278 Upper Level, Pavillion, Westville, Durban 4000, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
031 2758591/92/90