Dance Mouse Randburg Popular
DANCE MOUSE™ is a unique and diverse dance programme that is offered as an extra cost school activity for both boys and girls from Grade 000 – Grade 7.The DANCE MOUSE™ syllabus offers an awesome foundation to all forms of dance as well as other activities creating strong, flexible bodies! Warm up includes Ballet and Modern Techniques, Body Conditioning, Pilates Basics and Proprieception Skills. This extra-cost activity starts in schools from Grade 000 – Grade 7.The DANCE MOUSE™ business opportunity is far more than just a new, well structured and comprehensive dance syllabus. It is a franchise opportunity based on the DANCE MOUSE™ syllabus© but aimed at the dance teacher or business entrepreneur that is looking to build a financially viable and sustainable business in the exciting and vibrant world of dance. DANCE MOUSE™is a comprehensive, dance related syllabus currently being introduced in most Pre-primary and Primary Schools in South Africa through a franchise opportunity. The syllabus teaches children the following techniques: Ballet Basics, Modern Basics, Latin American Basics, Gymnastic Basics, Hip hop/Break dancing, Freestyle, Propriception training, Silk Fabric training, Body Conditioning and Pilates techniques. The aim envelops the technical training of a child’s body in order to strengthen, stretch and mobilize the body through exercise and dance. The rewards to the child being co-ordination and dance balanced skills. Once strength is accomplished with a minimum of injury to the body, any form of dance or activity is easy to attain. DANCE MOUSE™syllabus benefits do not exclude but enhance children who participate in any other sport! The primary aim of DANCE MOUSE™is to encourage children to enjoy dance expression and to increase the passion and love of dance in S.A. It allows the child technical training, spatial awareness as well as fun, rhythm, self-confidence and exercise. Should children only want to dance for fun (whether talented or not) or to do exams and competitions they have the freedom to choose. The DANCE MOUSE™ syllabus is for children from Grade 000-Grade 7. This enables dancers to choose at a later stage what form of dance they would like to pursue as it provides grounding in most dance forms. Participation in an Assessment is done at the end of each year and dancers receive a certificate, report and a zip tag (medal) in recognition of their effort. Parents will be kept informed via a DANCE MOUSE™ pamphlet, about the aims and achievements for each term! DANCE MOUSE™ endeavours to maintain the syllabus and keep up to date with the times using the latest songs & steps. We will also be offering a comprehensive range of branded products which will encourage children to dance and to have a good time. DANCE MOUSEhas been well received by both the public and teachers who have recognised its potential as a wonderful business opportunity and benefit for our children.