Ster-Kinekor Vincent Park Popular
Ster-Kinekor Theatres is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Primedia Group and is acknowledges as one of the jewels in the groups crown, particularly in financial terms, with attendances increasing annually despite the recessionary environment - attesting to the belief that going to the movies is a perfect way to escape the pressues of daily life,, even if for just a few hours.To most South Africans, the word movies is synonymous with the name Ster-Kinekor the biggest movie exhibitor by far (more than double the size of its nearest competitor), Ster-Kinekor owns some 60-65% of the market, boasting some 54 movie complexes in South Africa (more than 400 screens and 63000 seats) with 58 of state-of-the-art 3D cinemas, giving Ster-Kinekor the largest 3D footprint in this territory, as well as 4 complexes in neighbouring territories. Its unique, upamarket dedicated art house movie chain, Cinema Nouveau, currently offers 6 complexes around the country and has recently entered into partnership with the premium beer brand Grolsch - an ideal union of two maverick brands that both represent the best in their lines. Other strategic partnerships driving Ster-Kinekors supremacy in its market are those with Discovery Health and Edgars Club - through which their members can access reduced price movie tickets and various other benefits. Ster-Kinekors Movie Club CRM programme has over 1.5 million members.
Listing Details
082 16789