GP Electricians
GP Electricians the #1 Electricians in Johannesburg
Qualified Electricians in Johannesburg
Affordable rates and call out's
Repairs and Electrical COC Certificates
Fast service in Johannesburg and surrounding areas.
24 HR Emergency Electrician in Johannesburg
At GP Electricians we have teams on standby in Johannesburg and surrounding areas. Give us a call and we will book your job in and come as soon as possible to assist.
Electrical Compliance in Certificates (Electrical COC) Johannesburg
Electrical Compliance Certificates are needed every time you sell a home. It is also needed when certain electrical items are installed such as Solar Water Heating systems. Call us if you are based in Johannesburg to get your COC Certificate.
Keywords: Electrical Services Gauteng, GP Electricians, Electricians in Johannesburg
Address: 53 Mint Rd, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2198, South Africa
Phone: 087 550 8438
Qualified Electricians in Johannesburg
Affordable rates and call out's
Repairs and Electrical COC Certificates
Fast service in Johannesburg and surrounding areas.
24 HR Emergency Electrician in Johannesburg
At GP Electricians we have teams on standby in Johannesburg and surrounding areas. Give us a call and we will book your job in and come as soon as possible to assist.
Electrical Compliance in Certificates (Electrical COC) Johannesburg
Electrical Compliance Certificates are needed every time you sell a home. It is also needed when certain electrical items are installed such as Solar Water Heating systems. Call us if you are based in Johannesburg to get your COC Certificate.
Keywords: Electrical Services Gauteng, GP Electricians, Electricians in Johannesburg
Address: 53 Mint Rd, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2198, South Africa
Phone: 087 550 8438
Listing Details