AVBOB Funeral Bethlehem
AVBOB is Africas largest Mutual Assurance Society providing a one-stop funeral insurance and burial service solution. As a Mutual Assurance Society, AVBOB does not have any external shareholders and our policyholders benefit directly from our successes. Why? Because belonging to a Mutual Society is like belonging to a family and in a family, people share with one another. So, when we say our policyholders benefit, we mean it! Over and above the normal annual bonuses, AVBOB has over the past six years allocated an incredible R2,5 billion in special bonuses and enhanced FREE funeral benefits to more than 3,7 million lives assured with us. The enhanced FREE funeral benefits for policyholders, when AVBOB does the funeral, include the following: A FREE basic funeral FREE transportation of the deceased within the borders of South Africa.AVBOB was established in Bloemfontein in 1918 and has since grown into Africa’s largest Mutual Assurance Society providing a one-stop funeral insurance and burial service. into Africa’s largest Mutual Assurance Society providing a one-stop funeral insurance and burial service. More than 3,7 million lives are currently insured by AVBOB.AVBOB has three operating divisions:AVBOB Insurance - offers a comprehensive range of funeral polices and has recently introduced the new Cashback Life insurance policy. All lives insured under an AVBOB policy receive free funeral benefits if AVBOB is appointed to conduct the funeral. AVBOB Funeral Service - a countrywide network of more than 150 professionally run funeral agencies. AVBOB Industries - factory which is based in Bloemfontein manufactures a quality range of coffins, caskets and wreaths.AVBOB Funeral Service:At AVBOB we believe that the life of a loved one needs to be honoured with special nurturing, sensitivity, warmth and care. From the very first call, our qualified staff are here to assist you with the arrangement of a respectable funeral that honours the wishes of the family or, if available, the documented wishes of the deceased. AVBOB is one of South Africa’s best known funeral service providers with more than 150 nation-wide branches. In your time of need, no matter what time of day or night, call 0861 386 3725 and one of our trusted undertakers will be there to assist you with the immediate funeral arrangements that need to be taken care of. Traditionally, funeral arrangements are done at the funeral home. AVBOB, however, offers the service of doing this in the privacy of your own home, if so preferred.
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