Sasol is an international integrated energy and chemical company that leverages the talent and expertise of our more than 35 000 people working in 37 countries. We develop and commercialise technologies, and build and operate world-scale facilities to produce a range of product streams, including liquid fuels, high-value chemicals and low-carbon electricity. While remaining committed to our home-base of South Africa, Sasol is expanding internationally based on a unique value proposition. By combining the talent of our people and our technological advantage, Sasol has been a pioneer in innovation for over six decades. As market needs and stakeholder expectations have changed, so too have our methods, facilities and products, driving progress to deliver long-term shareholder value sustainably. The growth and enhancement of our foundation businesses in Southern Africa is complemented by the significant chapter of growth, Sasol has entered in its history. Sasol?
Protea Rd, Middelburg - MP 1055, , Mpumalanga, South Africa