G4S Security Services
Our security services model is built on our broad range of specialist services, which enables us manage risk, and safety for customers. This combined solutions offering, under one organisational structure tandem with diverse geographical reach, allows provide unique approach. Physical systems are becoming increasingly linked. We wide markets, sectors The we include manned security, electronic consultancy, monitoring surveillance, event transit security. reputation efficiency quality the provision based both extensive employee screening processes high level training provided. Whilst demand growing, most cases these still require presence, site remotely, guards. meets customers demands complete flexible combinations of: * Manned (Mobile Patrols, VIP Officers, etc) Electronic Solutions (Monitoring & response, Intruder alarms, Control Room Systems (National Monitoring, Customer Database, Cash (Insurance Investigation, Dedicated Vehicles, Other Specialised (Corporate Investigations, Training, Divisions (Aviation Cargo Handling)
Listing Details
1209 Francis Baard Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
012 431 3700
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