Videorama PierreVan Ryneveld
Welcome to Videorama Stores.Videorama opened his first shop in Waterkloof Glen (Pretoria) in 1985.WHAT DO WE OFFER:NEW SERVICES:An INTERNET CAFé at our branch with other business services such as printing, faxing, laminating and binding. Watch this space for more of these internet café's opening soon at a branch near you.RENTAL:Apart of renting out DVD’s and PS2 games which is our core business, we also rent out DVD machines, PS2 machines and digital projectors. RETAIL:We sell the following:
-new and previewed DVD’s.
-new PS2 games.
-DVD lens cleaners.
-DVD cleaning material (liquid and cloth).
-Movie and DVD magazines and
-Popcorn, menthos and suckers.SERVICES:We have invested lately in top of the range resurfacing machines which allows us to polish badly scratched discs. The expertise that Videorama has gathered over the years is enormous and Videorama is recognised by its suppliers and its competitors as one of the leaders in the movie industry.We have top of the range resurfacing machines which allows us to polish badly scratched DVD’s of clients at R30 per DVD.Sale of popcorn and sweets.COURIER SERVICE :
- Same day in Pretoria R60
- Overnight in Durban R90
- Same day to JHB R75
- 48 Hours to Cape Town R110.LOTTO:In Pierre Van Ryneveld and Valhalla.
-new and previewed DVD’s.
-new PS2 games.
-DVD lens cleaners.
-DVD cleaning material (liquid and cloth).
-Movie and DVD magazines and
-Popcorn, menthos and suckers.SERVICES:We have invested lately in top of the range resurfacing machines which allows us to polish badly scratched discs. The expertise that Videorama has gathered over the years is enormous and Videorama is recognised by its suppliers and its competitors as one of the leaders in the movie industry.We have top of the range resurfacing machines which allows us to polish badly scratched DVD’s of clients at R30 per DVD.Sale of popcorn and sweets.COURIER SERVICE :
- Same day in Pretoria R60
- Overnight in Durban R90
- Same day to JHB R75
- 48 Hours to Cape Town R110.LOTTO:In Pierre Van Ryneveld and Valhalla.
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