Max T Solutions Pinetown
Welcome to Max T Solutions!Max T Solutions is Southern Africa's predominent truck, bus and off-the-road tyre retreader and new tyre distributor.Leaders in the supply and servicing of tyres in the truck, bus, earthmover, agricultural and industrial tyre markets.Max T Solutions has a national and regional footprint consisting of 74 branches that offer you essential tyre services. The major benefits to you are one national tyre account and dependable first class service. To back up this service, Max T Solutions has negotiated Service Level Agreements with other tyre-service providers in the more remote regions to ensure customers are not required to make up-front payments for tyre service. Please contact your nearest Max T Solutions Branch for further information.Tyre related roadside breakdowns have become a major concern for any transport company operating within Southern Africa. The Max T Solutions policy is to get your vehicle back into service in the quickest possible time as we are fully aware of down time costs and security problems. Max T Solutions has access to a 24-hour national breakdown service that operates throughout the Republic of South Africa in all areas. We also have access to a “Red Area” breakdown unit in Gauteng who can assist you.Now, with new Bridgestone and Firestone truck and bus tyres,you have the reassurance that the tyre casing is good for tworecaps– or a predetermined refund of the casing value. Simply have your Bridgestone or Firestone truck and bustyres repaired and re-capped by Max T Solutions – ‘the bestquality retreads’ manufactured with our own uniquecompressed-tread system. We in turn will give you our ‘Casing Confidence Pledge’ absolutely free.In short, we will pledge to underwrite a Bridgestone or Firestonetyre casing for two Max T Solutions recaps. Should a manufacturing defectcause the casing to fail before the second retread reaches theend of its useful life, Max T Solutions will refund you the remaining value of the tread plus the predetermined value of the casing.That’s a ‘predetermined’ value - so you know up-front the casingrefund you’ll receive. Now, with our new Casing Confidence Pledge, and in addition toour already comprehensive Tyre Solutions Package, you canrely on Max T Solutions to deliver superior quality and service, givingyou the assurance of maximum value.
Listing Details
54 - 56 Alexander RoadWestmeadP O Box 10245Ashwood3605, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
(031) 700 4137