Auto Magic Centurion
Auto Magic believes in open and honest business relationships with clients, partners and suppliers. We will continually strive to honour all commitments with the utmost trust and respect and Auto Magic® will endeavour to deliver uncompromised value and magic service.DENT & AUTO BODY REPAIR:Nicks, dents and scratches happen daily. More so, damage to various other vehicle parts is also becoming more of a common occurrence. Although car accidents account for the majority of dent and auto repair required, deteriorating roads, potholes, hail and even rusting are resulting in a higher demand for professional, expert dent repair and auto repair services in South Africa. Offering years of panel beating experience, both our dent repair and auto repair craftsmen contribute to our overall specialised services. Our numerous branches located around South Africa all offer the same unparalleled quality within various panel beating and auto repair services:-Bonnet, bumper and boot lid replacement and repair. -Fender, door and headlight replacement and repair. -Replacement and repair of all mag wheels. -Hail damage repair. -Rust spot damage repair. -Spray painting and colour coding to all areas of the vehicle. -Professional polishing to all surfaces. Using the very best technology and latest dent repair and auto repair techniques, we provide unsurpassed service that provides lasting results.We will delight all our franchisees, customers and business partners with a level of service and personal attention that will clearly reflect their value to AUTO MAGIC.All spray painting and vehicle accident damage repairs are underwritten by our comprehensive service guarantee.“We will delight all our franchisees, customers and partners with the level of service and personal attention, which will reflect the extent of their value to AUTO MAGIC and how important they are to us.
Listing Details
116B Park Avenue NorthHighway Business Park0157, Gauteng, South Africa
012 661 1003