Valasbali Pietermaritzburg Popular
We offer a comprehensive package that includes Evaluation, Training and Testing ensuring that would-be-franchise owners are well equipped in skill and knowledge enough to run the franchise smoothly.WHO CAN OPERATE VALA SBALI FRANCHISE? The Franchise targets co-orperatives, district municipalities, taxi associations, youth and aspiring enterprenuers.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: These are the minimum requirements to be met by all wishing to own an official Valasbali Rranchise & Artisans Training Center successfully: 1. Must be literate-(mechanic qualification is an advantage but not essential). 2. Hard work. 3. Attend compulsory training. 4. Own capital or funding from any institute. 5. Co-operatives.Whoever signs up successfully for the franchise has the option to choose whether to incorporate any of the two additional skills of burglar guards, awnings and so forth.These additional facets to the enterprise can complimenet the profit making structure of the Franchise ensuring a wider spectrum of success through diversification.The Vala Sbali Taxi Door Repairs franchise specialises in delivering quick, low cost, quality and reliable taxi door repair services. The concept was first established in Umlazi Township in 2002, soon followed by a second outlet in Isipingo.Vala Sbali outlets offer a taxi door repair service to the vast market of taxi owners delivering transport services. The Vala Sbali franchise opportunity offers a choice of three business models defined as a Mobile unit, Container unit and Fixed unit. Vala Sbali franchisees enjoy autonomy in managing their own business while benefitting from the continued support, back-up and assistance provided by the franchisor.
Listing Details
248 Jabu Ndlovu Street, PMBDurban 4001, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa
031 309 5493