The Brazen Head Potchefstroom
The Brazen Head is a high-quality authentic Irish Restaurant and Pub, providing a unique Irish atmosphere and service to its clientele. All Brazen Heads are designed and operated under the guidelines of the Irish Pub Concept (IPC) a highly successful programme that has established 1,850 Irish restaurants and pubs around the globe. While theyre all related, no two pubs look exactly alike.In addition to the authenticity of the design, real Irish drink and food are also central to the concept. Incorporating all of these things, The Brazen Head is unlike anything yet seen in South Africa. Patrons who walk in will genuinely feel as if they have entered one of the many great restaurants and pubs of Ireland.One of the great attractions of Ireland is the freshness and purity of its food: few countries enjoy such a high reputation for quality of home grown produce. Food is hence a very important part of Irish Pub life and likewise is important to The Brazen Head.The menu features hearty, wholesome, reasonably priced Irish and South African fare that appeals to the local palate.
Listing Details
Cnr Tom & Esselen Streets Die Bult Potchefstroom, North West, South Africa
018 297 1816