Centaur Asset Management Featured
The Centaur BCI Balanced Fund invests in a mix of shares, bonds, property, cash and international investments. We utilise asset allocation and stock picking to try outperform the funds benchmark with lower risk. The fund has a moderate to high risk profile and its inception date was the 1st July 2013.
The Centaur BCI Flexible Fund invests in a mix of shares, bonds, property, cash and international investments. We utilise asset allocation and stock picking to try outperform the funds benchmark with lower risk. The fund has a moderate to high risk profile and its inception date was the 1st December 2004.
The Centaur BCI Flexible Fund invests in a mix of shares, bonds, property, cash and international investments. We utilise asset allocation and stock picking to try outperform the funds benchmark with lower risk. The fund has a moderate to high risk profile and its inception date was the 1st December 2004.
Listing Details
021 685 2408/9